Historic preservation is an important way for us to transmit our understanding of our past to our progeny. Our nation’s history has many facets, and historic preservation helps tell these stories and gives us an appreciation of how our nation was formed and developed over time. The Sierra Nevada Chapter, NSDAR, has endeavored to preserve our local history through various efforts.
We engaged in a joint DAR chapter project in cleaning up and restoring the historic Hillside Cemetery, Reno’s oldest cemetery established in 1875. Many prominent citizens are laid to rest there, as well as several veterans who served in wars during the 19th and 20th centuries. After the restoration, an NSDAR historic marker was placed on the plot of Prudence H. Gould, Nevada State Society DAR Regent from 1933-1934.

To preserve our mining history in the Comstock Lode, our chapter sponsored the Comstock Foundation for History and Culture’s NSDAR Historic Preservation Grant application. As a result, the foundation received a grant to help restore the Donovan Mill in Silver City. A chapter member was furthermore recognized in our national magazine, American Spirit, for her volunteer work to help restore the Donovan Mill.

The Nevada State Prison in Carson City was established in 1862 and operated continuously until 2012. Early in the 20th century, the prison was designated as the sole facility for executions by the State of Nevada. The death sentence was first carried out there in 1924. In 2015, the Nevada State Prison was placed on the National Register of Historic Places. Although the prison closed in 2012, executions were still carried out there until the present execution chamber at Ely State Prison became operational in 2016.
A large pine tree once stood in front of the prison. However, in the 1980’s it was removed as guards claimed it obstructed their view of escaping prisoners. The Sierra Nevada Chapter, NSDAR, donated a White Mountain Pine Tree to be placed where the original pine tree once stood. In 2022, members held a tree planting and dedication ceremony at the prison.